Alessandro Stroppa born in Pescara (Italy) -14/07/1976 ; Married, 2 daughters (Sara and Annachiara)

Web page




01/01/2020- present          :Research Director CNR-SPIN (L’Aquila). Competition winner (3rd place);

16/12/2019-31/12/2019    :Senior (First) Researcher CNR-SPIN (L’Aquila). Competition winner (2nd place);

30/10/2012-15/12/2019    :Technologist CNR-SPIN (L’Aquila). Competition winner (1st place);

01/10/2008-30/10/2012    :research associate at INFM/CASTI/CNR-SPIN, L’Aquila, Italy;

03/04/2006-30/09/2008    :postdoc at  University of Vienna/CMS,Vienna, Austria;

01/01/2006-31/03/2006    :postdoc at  University of Trieste, Department of Theoretical Physics, Italy;

01/01/2003-31/12/2005    :Ph.D. student at University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy;

01/08/2002-30/09/2002    :Fellowship, University of L’Aquila, Department of Physics ;

06/11/1995-19/06/2002    :University of L’Aquila, Degree in Physics, 110/110 cum laude;

Research Activity

His activity is mainly based on density functional theory (DFT) by symmetry model Hamiltonian analysis. He has studied low dimensional systems (2D) and interfaces of inorganics materials; oxides, heterostructures of transition metal oxides; hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites; ferroelectric materials and multiferroic; metal-organic frameworks; twisted bilayer graphene; magnetic bilayers.

Bibliometrics [Source Web of Science 20/03/2022]

124 publications; h-index:39; Sum of Times Cited:5749 [Average per item: 46.36]; Without self-citations:5501; Citing articles: 4311 (Without self-citations: 4221); Presently: 3 Highly Cited Papers in the Field.


  • 2020-2022: Selected as Collaborator and Host Institution of HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access program: 20 visitors are financially supported for travel, accommodation and subsistence, and provided with an amount of computing time suitable for the approved project (see Web Page) supervised by A.S.
  • 19-21/11/2019: Certificate of appreciation for “his important contributions to the theoretical understanding of microscopic mechanisms of multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity in perovskite metal-organic frameworks”, by Nature Conference: Physical Properties of Metal-Organic Frameworks, Nankai, China;
  • 2017-2020: Shanghai Eastern Scholar Chair Professor (Distinguished academic honor awarded by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission);
  • 2016-2018: High-End foreign expert (Shanghai University) (it is awarded to non-ethnic Chinese experts, who are strategic scientists, leading experts in natural science);
  • National Scientific Habilitation for: 02/B1 – Fisica Sperimentale della Materia – II Fascia (26/07/2018 al 26/07/2027); 02/B2 – Fisica Teorica della Materia- I Fascia (05/12/2017 al 05/12/2026); 02/B2 – II Fascia (11/12/2013 al 11/12/2022);
  • 2017: Honor for “Highly Cited Papers” in Web of Science in 2017: 5 Highly Cited papers in Web of Science (Highly Cited papers reflect the top 1% of papers by field and publication year).
  • 2013 – present.: Appointment as Visiting Research Scholar (NCSU, Dep. Chemistry, USA);
  • 08-13/09/2013: Research Highlight talk at FEMS EUROMAT 2013, Sevilla;
  • 2008: “Best 2008 NJP Collection”: the article A Stroppa and G Kresse 2008 New J. Phys. 10 063020 has been selected by the editors of New Journal of Physics for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Best of 2008’ collection. Articles in this collection have been nominated on the basis of a range of criteria including referee endorsement, novelty, scientific impact and broad appeal;
  • 26-30/09/2011: 1st best oral presentation in Condensed Matter Physics XCVII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica, L’Aquila, Italy;
  • 26-30/09/2011: 2nd best oral presentation in Condensed Matter Physics XCI Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica, Catania, Italy;


  • CNR Short Term Mobility (STM-IN) (3000 Euro), December 2019
  • Shanghai Eastern Chair Professor (12757 Euro) from 22/02/2017 to 31/12/2019;
  • Fondazione Cariplo, grant 2013 (97000 Euro) from 01/05/2014 to 31/10/2017;
  • Bilateral Project International Exchanges 2018 Standard Program – Round 1 – Royal Society UK (13160 Euro) from 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2020;
  • Bilateral Project CNR-Romanian Academy of Science (11400 Euro) from 05/02/2014 to 31/12/2016.
  • SEED CNR SPIN (3500 Euro) from 06/06/2012 to 30/04/2013;
  • CNR Short Term Mobility (STM-OUT) (1450 Euro plus reimbursements) , July 2014.


  • Deputy Director CNR-SPIN Unit L’Aquila, from 01/05/2019 to present;
  • Member of Outreach Working Group (CNR-SPIN, since 2020).

Short term visits (Invited by):

Prof. P. Radaelli, Oxford University (England); Prof. W. Ren, Shanghai University (China); Prof. R.-G. Xiong, Southeast University (China), Prof. Y. Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China); Prof. H. Wu, Prof. H. Xiang, Fudan University (China); Prof. C. Draxl, Humbdolt University (Germany); Prof. V. Amaral, University of Aveiro (Portugal); Dr. R. Gebauer, ICTP Trieste (Italy);
Prof. D. Vanderbilt, Rutgers University (USA);
Prof. J.M. Perez-Mato, Bilbao University (Spain); Dr. C. Ederer, Trinity College (Ireland); Prof. S. Bluegel, IFF Institute (Germany); Prof. M. Whangbo, NCSU (USA); Prof. C. Franchini and G. Kresse, University of Vienna (Austria); Dr. V. Zapf, Los Alamos Nat. Lab. (USA); Prof. C. Fennie, Cornell Univ. (USA); Prof. J. Rondinelli, Drexel Univ.  (USA); Prof. A.K. Cheetham, Cambridge University (UK), Prof. S.W. Hla, Argonne Nat. Lab. (USA);

Teaching  (since 2011):

Inorganic Chemistry, Geometry, Mathematics for Physicists, Social Statistics, Group theory applied to solid state physics;

International Teaching: “The beauty of Symmetry”, International Education Forum, SHU, June 2018; “Symmetry in Physics: an introduction to Group Theory”, International Education Forum, SHU, June 2017; Frontiers in Physics (on-line teaching, South-Est University, China, since 2021); Group Theory in Physics (South-Est University, China, since 2021);

Outreach Activities

A.S. is actively involved in outreach activities for Primary school students

  • 27/11/2020: Street Science Univaq, Event: “Infinity explained to Primary School students”
  • 27/02/2020: Workshop: “Symmetries for Primary School Teachers”, Dep. Human Science, University of L’Aquila.
  • 27/09/2019: Street Science, Event: ”Simmetries” for Primary School students;
  • 09/05/2019: Seminar “Hybrid perovskites: A bridge between Physics and Chemistry” for freshmen.

Graduate, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers (PI and Co-PI)

Many PhD or Post-doc students for short term  visits and  Master Thesis at University of L’Aquila;

Keynote/Plenary lectures

  • Nature Conference: Physical Properties of Metal-Organic Frameworks, Tianjin (China), 19-21/11/2019
  • QIF2019-Shanghai University- Shanghai (China), 18-22/11/2019
  • ROMPHYSCHEM 16, Galati (Romania), 21-23/09/2016
  • 5th International Symposium on Structure-Property Relationship in Solid State Materials (SPSSM-5), Qingdao, China, 22-27/06/2014

Talks at conferences/workshops

  • 39 talks: 19 invited; 2 Plenary; 2 Keynote; 19 contributed; 32 Posters.

Partecipation at High Formation Schools: 25

Seminar talks at international centers/Universities: 37

Board Member of PhD Thesis Jury

Dr. C. O. Amorim (15/02/2019, University of Aveiro, Portugal); Dr. M. Barbosa (University of Porto, Portugal).

Dr. C.L. Gomez-Aguirre, (18/12/2015, University of Coruna); Dr. E. Bruyer, (21/11/2012, upon invitation by Prof. R. Desfeux); Dr. F. Virot, (13/07/2012, upon invitation by Prof. H. Roland); Dr. J. Goncalves (15-16/12/2011; upon invitation by Prof. V. Amaral, Portugal)

Refereeing activity

  • Rev. B; Phys. Rev. Lett.; Phys. Status Solidi; J. Mater. Sci.; J. Appl. Phys.; J. Magn. Magn. Mater.; Appl. Phys. Lett.; Sci. Rep.; Nat. Chem.; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Chem. Phys. Lett., Nat. Commun., Nat. Rev. Mater.; Chem. Mat.; Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.; Angew. Chem.; J. Chem. Phys., Comput. Mater. Sci.; etc.
  • ANCS (National Authority for Scientific Research-Romania) for young research proposal.
  • International Fellowship Mobility Program for Experienced Researchers in Croatia (NEWFELPRO).
  • ERC (Starting grant)
  • Basic Energy Sciences-U.S. Department of Energy (USA).


  • Li, A. Stroppa, S. Gao, Z. Wang, A.K. Cheetham, “Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites”, Wiley-VCH, (Book)
  • Stroppa, et al.   “Computational   approach   to   organic   ferroelectrics”, in “Research   Horizons   of Nanosystems”, (Taylor&Francis group), Editor: Mihai V. Put (Chapter)
  • “Ferroelectricity and Spin-Orbit coupling in Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Halides”, in “Theoretical Modeling of Mixed Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Photovoltaic Applications”, edited by G. Giorgi and K. Yamashita. (Chapter)

Editorial Board for Journals

  • Inorganic Chemistry Section for Molecules

Conferences/School Organizer/Lecturer

  • MaX School on Advanced Materials and Molecular Modelling with Quantum ESPRESSO (17-28 May 2021) – Hosted on-line by ICTP (smr 3622); (Organizer and Lecturer)
  • International School on Crystallographic Groups and Their Representations. Workshop on Topological Insulators, 30 June-07 July 2019, ICQMS-SHU, Shanghai (China); (Organizer)
  • Exciting Shanghai School: Hands-on workshop on density functional theory: First-principles simulations in materials science, 18-22 Nov 2018, ICQMS-SHU, Shanghai (China); (Organizer and Lecturer)
  • Shanghai International Crystallographic School, 11-17 June 2017-Shanghai (China); (Organizer and Lecturer)
  • Sept 07-11 2010 “European School for Multiferroics 2010”, L’Aquila, Italy (Local Organizer);
  • Sept 19-Oct 22 2010 “Aquifer: AQUila Initiatives for FERroics”, L’Aquila, Italy (Local Organizer);

