Visiting scientists at CNR-SPIN L'Aquila
The National Research Council has traditionally given great attention to international and European cooperations and activities. In particular, it promotes the exchange of researchers for the development of jointly agreed research projects and of individual scientific activity with corresponding research organizations in all Countries and in all continents. It promotes the participation of Italian researchers in scientific activities carried out by foreign institutions.
At CNR-SPIN in L’Aquila, we often host european and non-european scientists for common research projects, through several source of funding, thus further promoting our international visibility. Recently, we hosted several scientists under the High-Performance Computing – Europa3 program.
The following visiting scientists were hosted by CNR-SPIN in L’Aquila.
- 03/10/2022 – 21/10/2022 Lic. Juan José Aucar (PhD candidate), from the Institute for Modelling and Innovative Technology (Corrientes, Argentina), is visiting us to continue the research program started under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC174MQ8N). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN for hosting our researcher.
- 05/04/2022 – 30/04/2022 Mr. Muthukrishnan Sundaram (PhD candidate), from Computational Laboratory for Multifunctional Materials, Department of Medical Physics, Anna University, Chennai (Tamilnadu, India), is visiting us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access program (HPC17Y3BP5). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of the University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 22/03/2022 – 22/04/2022 Lic. Juan José Aucar (PhD candidate), from the Institute for Modelling and Innovative Technology (Corrientes, Argentina), is visiting us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC174MQ8N). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 07/03/2022 – 26/03/2022 Dr. Inna Ponomareva (Professor), from University of South Florida (Tampa, USA), is visiting us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC17R5LRC). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 11/02/2022 – 30/04/2022 Assoc. Prof. Goncagül Serdaroğlu, from Sivas Cumhuriyet University (Sivas, TURKEY), visited us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC17P14RF). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 17/01/2022 – 11/04/2022 Mr. Madras Jayasankar Swamynadhan (PhD candidate), from SRM Institute of Science and Technology (Tamilnadu, India), is visiting us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC17TYDIN). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 16/01/2022 – 10/04/2022 Ms. Samira Boukachabia, from Baji Mokhtar University , Physics Department, Laboratory of Magnetism and Spectroscopy of Solids (Annaba, Algeria), is visiting us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC17DYXOE). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 10/01/2022 – 03/04/2022 Ms. Neeraj Kulhari (PhD candidate), from the IIS (deemed to be University), (Jaipur, India), is visiting us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC17FOB7D). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 25/10/2021 – 10/12/2021 Lic. Juan José Aucar (PhD candidate), from the Institute for Modelling and Innovative Technology (Corrientes, Argentina), is visiting us HPC-Europa3 Transnational programme (HPC17QOVMV). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 11/10/2021 – 3/01/2022 Prof. Goncagül Serdaroğlu, from Sivas Cumhuriyet University (Sivas, TURKEY), visited us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC17FOB7D). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 15/10/2021 – 20/12/2021 Ricardo, from FCUP (Porto, Portugal), visited us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC171030W). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 04/10/2021 – 22/12/2021 Dr. Rus Florina Stefania, from INCEMC (Timişoara, Romania), visited us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC17Z5ZSB). We are grateful to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 04/10/2021 – 22/12/2021 Dr. João Nuno Santos Gonçalves, from University of Aveiro and CICECO (Aveiro, Portugal), visited us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC17T6HD5). We are grateful to Life, Health and Environmental Sciences Department of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 07/01/2020 – 31/03/2020 Mr. Kunihiro Yananose, a PhD candidate of Jaejun Yu’s group in Seoul National University (Seoul, South Korea), visited us under the support of National Research Foundation of Korea (2020R1F1A1066548) and Samsung Electronics. We studied the complex structure of the metal-organic frameworks and the interplay of the geometric chirality and spin-texture in twisted bilayer graphene. We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and Department of Physical and Chemical Science of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher. We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time.
- 02/11/2019 – 14/12/2019 Ms. Fei Wang, a PhD candidate of Prof. Coen de Graaf, from Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain) visited us working on 2D hybrid perovskites, namely a recently synthesized ferroelectric layered HOIP, (AMP)PbI4 (AMP=4-aminomethyl-piperidinium). During this collaboration, we show that the switching of the polarization reverses the molecular rotations, the spin-texture, and simultaneously toggles a pseudo-rotation of the Rashba anisotropy ellipse. Intriguingly, the Switchable Rashba Anisotropy (SRA) occurs by hybrid improper ferroelectricity in HOIP. Great work Fei! Our study is published in npj Computational Materials, 6, 183 (2020). We also investigated the ferroelectricity in Preyssler-type polyoxometalates, and the study has been published in APL Materials, Special Topics “100 Years of Ferroelectricity — a Celebration”. This collaboration has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 713679 and from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and Department of Physical and Chemical Science of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher.
- 03/11/2019 – 15/02/2020 Dr. João Nuno Santos Gonçalves, from University of Aveiro and CICECO (Aveiro, Portugal), visited us under the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme (HPC174LF1R). We investigated Cu-based perovskite metal-organic frameworks, Two-dimensional metal dicyanamide frameworks and Chirality and Magnetocaloricity in GdFeTeO6 .We thank HCP-Europa3 for funding and HPC time. Our comment about HPC program: A scientific host point of view. We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and Department of Physical and Chemical Science of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher.
- 20/09/19 – 10/12/19 Mr. Yu Yuan Huang, bachelor student from Shanghai University (Shanghai, China) visited us for computational project on magnetic 2D materials. We thank funding from Shanghai University. We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and Department of Physical and Chemical Science of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher.
- 28/09/2019 – 02/11/2019 PhD candidate Hu Wentao, from Fudan University (FDU), visited us for a computational project on layered hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. Our study has been published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C. We thank FDU for funding. We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and Department of Physical and Chemical Science of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher.
- 17/06/2019-28/06/2019 PhD candidate Yuan Shuron, from Queen Mary University of London (London, England) visited us under the bilateral project CNR-Royal Society (Nr IES/R1/180034). We thank RS for funding. We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and Department of Physical and Chemical Science of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher.
- 22/11/2018 – 23/01/2019 PhD candidate Ke Yang , from Fudan University (FDU), visited us for a computational project on optical and magneto-optical study of 2D magnetic bilayers. Our study has been published in ACS Applied Electronic Materials. In this study, we show, in particular, that for the mixed bilayer, even the AFM state has a nonvanishing magneto-optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) signal, which can be reversed if the AFM spins are flipped (e.g., from up-down to down-up). We thank FDU for funding. We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and Department of Physical and Chemical Science of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher.
- 08/11/2017 – 08/01/2018 PhD candidate Ke Yang , from Fudan University (FDU), visited us for a computational project on multiferroic properties of metal-organic framework with perovskites structure. We thank FDU for funding. We are grateful to CNR-SPIN and Department of Physical and Chemical Science of University of L’Aquila for hosting our researcher.